Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Crisssssp Fall time

I wish fall took over all of winter. It's such a short season, but by far my second favorite ;)
On Sunday, Ben and I along with his brother Jeff and his wife Courtney (my future brother and sis in law!) AND new baby Brock all went up to a secret spot in Sundance for a picnic. It is so pretty up there! I love hanging out with Jeff and Courtney. I'm marrying into a great family! Here's a few pictures I took. I sometimes forget I have a camera, and when I do remember to bring it along for something I end up taking so many pictures. Jeff was a little worried and asked Ben as I was snapping away, "Does she always take that many pictures?" Haha! Guilty ;)

1 comment:

  1. Wow it is absolutely beautiful there! I just want to go there right now!
