Monday, January 24, 2011

My dilemma with my college career thus far

I have this semester and then two classes over the summer until I'm done with my Associate's. I'm not sure if it's because I took a lot longer to finish my associates (due to the fact that my student loans each semester only covered three classes and I couldn't afford to pay $500 more each semester to go full time) or if it's because general education is SO BORING, but at this point I am SO OVER SCHOOL! Here's my problem though...
I can't decide if it's worth going into another $10,000 worth of debt to get my degree in 2-3 years(depending on whether or not I get grants or how much my loans are) when I'll most likely have a baby within two years and possibly not be able to finish, or finish, and then be a stay at home mom until my kids are old enough that I can work.
Another concern I have is that if I do get a degree and then not actually be able work for another maybe 15 years while I'm raising kids, by the time I am able to work, will I even be able to get a job? It seems like if so much time will have passed from the time I graduated that I would forget everything I learned or that the times will have changed in the field I studied(Graphic design at this point).
Right now the best idea to me seems to be to finish with my associates and then at the right time go back to school to get my Bachelor's. Maybe after I've lived a little more life and experienced more things, I'll have a better idea of what it is I would like to do for work anyways.
If anyone has any advice...I'd love to hear it :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011


School was really boring and disappointing today. I didn't get the classes I was hoping for this semester.Then when I got home my crock-pot dinner was a mess. I wish I had the time to make a descent dinner for when Ben gets home, but I always have to resort to the crock-pot because I'm gone all day. I usually don't follow a recipe and things turn out fine but today it just didn't work out. After we ate we went to the gym and surprisingly enough the worst part about that is walking to and from the car. IT'S FREEZING! Winter should be over with the end of the year. What made everything fade away? One of these...
Oh man nothing is better than a bubble bath! My day really wasn't that bad, but this was JUST what I needed :)
I feel bad that Ben can't fit in tubs. Haha. I think he would enjoy a nice bubble bath now and again :)