Thursday, January 6, 2011


School was really boring and disappointing today. I didn't get the classes I was hoping for this semester.Then when I got home my crock-pot dinner was a mess. I wish I had the time to make a descent dinner for when Ben gets home, but I always have to resort to the crock-pot because I'm gone all day. I usually don't follow a recipe and things turn out fine but today it just didn't work out. After we ate we went to the gym and surprisingly enough the worst part about that is walking to and from the car. IT'S FREEZING! Winter should be over with the end of the year. What made everything fade away? One of these...
Oh man nothing is better than a bubble bath! My day really wasn't that bad, but this was JUST what I needed :)
I feel bad that Ben can't fit in tubs. Haha. I think he would enjoy a nice bubble bath now and again :)


  1. Is that your bath tub? If so that is beautiful! Sorry you didn't get your classes- what did you get?

  2. Haha I wish it was our bathtub! I'm stuck in two Art history classes with the same teacher back to back. I think it will be over kill. Then I have English, which would be fine if I didn't hate writing papers :)
    I'm hoping i get into one of the art classes that I'm on a wait list for.

  3. Me too, baths are the best! Sorry about school, hopefully next semester will be better!

  4. Well, I am really proud of you for making dinners for you and Ben. I think it's great that you make the attempt to have a dinner. There aren't a lot of young newlywed brides who take the time and effort to make something. It's a great way to save money, eat more healthy foods and learn a new skill. Don't feel bad when things don't "turn out" what's important is your effort and your intention to try to make something for your husband. And, hopefully if I taught him correctly, Ben expresses his appreciation for your efforts!
