Monday, January 24, 2011

My dilemma with my college career thus far

I have this semester and then two classes over the summer until I'm done with my Associate's. I'm not sure if it's because I took a lot longer to finish my associates (due to the fact that my student loans each semester only covered three classes and I couldn't afford to pay $500 more each semester to go full time) or if it's because general education is SO BORING, but at this point I am SO OVER SCHOOL! Here's my problem though...
I can't decide if it's worth going into another $10,000 worth of debt to get my degree in 2-3 years(depending on whether or not I get grants or how much my loans are) when I'll most likely have a baby within two years and possibly not be able to finish, or finish, and then be a stay at home mom until my kids are old enough that I can work.
Another concern I have is that if I do get a degree and then not actually be able work for another maybe 15 years while I'm raising kids, by the time I am able to work, will I even be able to get a job? It seems like if so much time will have passed from the time I graduated that I would forget everything I learned or that the times will have changed in the field I studied(Graphic design at this point).
Right now the best idea to me seems to be to finish with my associates and then at the right time go back to school to get my Bachelor's. Maybe after I've lived a little more life and experienced more things, I'll have a better idea of what it is I would like to do for work anyways.
If anyone has any advice...I'd love to hear it :)


  1. I graduated with a General Associates degree and stopped. I really wish I had at least gotten a degree that would help get a job if I had to. Then I would know that even though I'm not working now, I have options in emergency situations. I'm sure your plans for parenthood will work out how you'd like, but in the meantime don't focus your entire life around it happening. I wasted a couple of years I could have accomplished a lot (that was tons easier to accomplish without kids) because I was so worried about being able to have kids. You don't need to put off having kids, but keep a good balance with other things too. Hope these ramblings help, or are at least coherent! :) Good luck and I'm sure whatever you decide will work out great!!

  2. Thanks for the advice Jenni! The ramblings do help :)

  3. My advice is do what YOU feel is best for you!
    I know how you feel about that stuff because I've thought the exact. same. thing. So many people have told me that I had to have kids immediately, but I chose to start on my masters instead, and I'm really happy with my choice. I think it depends on everyone's situation. My sister in law had kids pretty soon after she got married and finished her degree just a few years later when the kids were a little older when she could get a babysitter, and it worked out perfectly for her, so I know that it could work for you either way. If you're determined to get your degree later, then it could definitely work out! Pray about it! I don't think you could go wrong either way! :)

  4. Thanks Lacey! I love getting advice from people who have gone through the same decisions!

  5. Do whatever feels right for you I think!! Remember you can have kids anytime

  6. Advise from complete stranger: You're so dang beautiful you could probably earn a living selling your beautiful smile! Plus you happen to know a really great photographer. Thank you for listening.

  7. Well,since I just discovered your blog, I am writing late - but I think the things you are considering about school are reasonable. I think it's important for women to have an education - especially if they're going to be mothers. I think getting your associates degree finished would be a good idea. That way you have a degree and could probably get a job doing something in that field - although with the economy such as it is, it might be difficult right now, even with a Bachelors. You really have to ask yourself if it's worth going into so much debt when it will be a challenge to pay off the loans even if you are employed in that field. I agree with your thinking that it might be a good idea to get your AA and then sit back and decide whether you really want to go on. I get the feeling from you that you don't really enjoy school - it's not something that you are really excited about. If that's the case, then take a break. I didn't finish my degree at BYU and I am just finishing it now - 30+ years later - but I am glad that I did it that way - for me. Everyone is an individual and you have to do what you and Ben think is the best. You are fortunate to be able to be in a field that you can use your talents and the things that you have learned even if you stay at home. There's a lot of opportunities to do design work for people or projects and you don't have to be a 9 to 5 person in an office - just look at your wedding announcement person as an example! Keep up the good work and do what you think is right for you!
