Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh the joys of moving...

I say that obviously with thick sarcasm :)
I just haven't felt like blogging because we've been in the middle of a two week trip to Boise(which was so much fun and I'll be posting pictures of that later) and then a two day drive/move from Boise to Utah then California (not so fun) 
We're finally somewhat settled in at the ol' parents house and it's so nice to finally be done moving. Ben was pretty much sick the entire process and I wasn't feeling great either (for reasons only girls would understand). We took what we needed to my parents house and then STUFFED everything else in a storage unit. So glad that whole process is over. I've just been working at home(for Pinnacle still) and Ben's been prepping for his big game plan for finding a job. He printed out a ton of resumes and business cards, or "networking cards" as he likes to call them, and he has three phases of job searching planned. It's gonna be pretty intense. Haha just kidding...but I hope so. The sooner he finds a job the better, but I will admit I'll probably be going through withdrawals once he gets a job and I won't have him around all day :) Can't get enough of that big guy.
It feels SO good to be in California and I'm so excited to be able to spend more time with my family.  


  1. We are thrilled to have you guys here with us!

  2. You guys have been all over the place lately! It was good to see you! Feel free to come for 'the big move'. Though I will totally not blame you if you want to stay far, far, away. I'm only going to be there because I have to be.
