Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A little Rant and then a Recipe :)

How have I worked at SUCH a boring job for 3 years?! It obviously has it's benefits, with me being able to work from home now and it's not stressful which is great, but it's such a drag. I want more than ANYTHING for Ben to get one of the jobs he's interviewed for in California and for us to be moving there as soon as this semester is over (8 days and counting). I want to quit my job SO BAD but I obviously cannot if I'm the only one working right now. I am so ready for a change. I love Utah but I'm ready to leave this cold dreary place for sunny weather and living by family...I keep hoping this is going to happen very soon. The worst part is that we've been SO CLOSE to this actually happening! Ben has been told twice that he basically has a job at a company in California and both times they've told us their projects are now on hold and we'll have to just wait and see if a position becomes available in the future. SO LAME! So now Ben is trying to set up an interview with a company that does custom homes in La Jolla. They have showed a lot of interests in him and he's just waiting to have a phone interview and then go from there. Please PLEASE let this be the one!
On a brighter note...
Ben and I saw a recipe on Rachael Ray the other day for a Chicken Chili Verde that looked so good and would work for the diet we're on. I love making dinner with Ben. I just love that he is actually a huge help! He can whip up some deeelicious dinners when he actually cooks. Any who, I tried to find the recipe on the Rachael Ray website so that I had exact measurements to post but I couldn't find it.  Here's the recipe and directions according to what I wrote down and remember from Rachael Ray :) It tuned out SO good! Make it! This should feed about 3-4 people.

10-14 tomatillos (depending on size)
1 seeded jalapeno diced
2 cloves of garlic (i used a spoonful of crushed garlic)
1 onion chopped
Tablespoon of Cumin
2 Tablespoons of Olive oil
1-2 cups of chicken broth (depending on how thick you want your chili)
2 Poblano peppers
Cilantro (about half of a small bunch)
1 lime
3-4 Chicken breast

1. Grill chicken breast
2. Broil poblano peppers for about 5 min on each side then place in a ziplock bag until cool enough to peel the skin off.
3.Saute chopped onion, jalapeno, garlic, and salt and pepper in Olive oil.
3. Peel skin off of poblano peppers, dice them and set aside
3. Blend tomatillos in a food processor to a chunky salsa consistency
4. Add tomatillos, chicken broth, and cumin to the saute pan and let simmer until tomatillos turn from bright green to a darker olive green color (about 10 min)
5. Cut grilled chicken into cubes and add to the chili
6. Remove from heat and add Add Cilantro, diced poblano, and lime juice

Muy delicioso! Haha.
I thought it would also taste good with a dollop of sour cream (fat free for us dieters) on top, but we didn't have any.


  1. That looks really good...the right job is just right around the corner! Chin up!

  2. aahhh don't give up! you'll make it to california! good luck on the job hunt.

  3. I can't believe you got Ben to watch Rachael Ray, that's impressive.

  4. Hey - thanks for the recipe. Sounds like a lot of work - but I'm old and lazy. It does sound like it would be perfect for the 17 Day Diet. I hope that Ben has some good luck in California tomorrow - I heard he was surfing today with your family! He knows how to enjoy himself, so that's good. We'll keep our fingers crossed that things work out - and some prayer might help too!
