Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pinnacle Security this is LaRee how can I help you?

So this has happened to me twice now...I go to say my prayer at night and this is my beginning, "Pinnacle Security this is"...that is a bad sign. Hahahaha. I usually don't finish the whole phrase in my head before I realize what I'm doing. Haha! How sad.


  1. You work with Pinnacle? Doing what? I want to work there! Member when I went to Cincinnati a few summers ago? It was for a security company! Any job openings that you know of?

  2. Becca! I had no idea you had a blog :) Fun. Oh I'm sure there will be positions available for this upcoming summer. I'll have to grab you an application :)

  3. LaRee, I used to answer the phone at during high school sometime and say "Welcome to Edwards" (the movie theater). I always felt so silly, but you reminded me of that!
